Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
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Get Real

A lot of people fail to achieve the weight loss they are looking for purely because they are expecting something to magically happen. They are waiting for a miracle. It’s time to stop that. Losing weight isn’t something you get from a magic pill. The weight isn’t going to melt off. It’s something that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. The process isn’t even linear most of the time. You may find that you lose a lot of weight at first and then you gain some back after a little and continue with this process until you’re finally happy with the result.

The truth is, there are no shortcuts when it comes to losing weight. Therefore, you cannot try to take any. If you get frustrated with an inability to lose weight, you’re not alone. Don’t lose hope or motivation. Everything you do is helping you lose weight. When you pick up that bag of carrots instead of chips, think about the light at the end of the tunnel. If you are sticking to your diet and exercise routine, you’re doing what needs to be done to get your desired results. You simply have to create and stick to realistic goals. Likewise, you need to give your body the time it needs to showcase the results. You may not even realise you are losing weight until you step on the scale. This is why tracking your progress is so important.

Get Pumped

Losing weight can be a long and tedious process. Because of this, you generally find yourself getting excited in the beginning. This excitement eventually fades and you’re left with the gritty work. Unfortunately, this is where a lot of people fold. They stop putting in the same effort because they lack the enthusiasm they had initially. Try to regain that enthusiasm. Find ways to excite yourself and to get pumped for your weight loss journey while you’re in the middle of it.

Revisit Goals

One of the best ways to ensure you don’t lose your enthusiasm is by revisiting all of your goals. You created goals that jumpstarted you in the first place. These things can provide you with the jolt you need to continue forward. Think about what made you want to lose weight and allow it to continually motivate you and push you towards achieving them. Try to visualise your goals. Is it a picture of you when you were skinny? Is it a pair of pants you used to fit in? Ensure you constantly put these things in front of you to remind you why you’re putting in the work.

Look At Your Progress

One of the things that can turn you away from putting in the work is not realising how far you’ve come. A lot of people will look at themselves in the middle of their journey and underestimate the progress they’ve made. This can discourage you and it can make you feel like you’ve failed. Think about the way you’re health has improved. Think about how much stronger or faster you’ve become. Think about how you feel better about yourself every day. These things can give you ample motivation to continue forward. If you are in Woking or the surrounding area, then I recommend searching for ‘Gyms Woking‘.

Reward Yourself Regularly

When you are looking to boost your motivation, one of the best ways to do it is by incentivising yourself. You can do this by giving yourself rewards for a job well done. You can do this by scheduling a professional massage at the end of every week. This can give you the motivation to push yourself every week to achieve your weight loss goals.

Here are some of the other ways you can reward yourself that will also help on your journey:

  • Purchase new workout clothing
  • Have yourself a weekend adventure
  • Get a new book
  • Spend time playing video games after exercise
  • Try Everything

Before you even think about quitting, you are going to want to put in the work and try every avenue possible. Allow yourself to work out for less time if you are using time as an excuse. The worst thing you can do is to give up entirely. Even if you aren’t working out for as long as you should, it’s better than nothing. Here are some things you can try before quitting:

  • Hire a trainer for help
  • Find someone that has similar weight loss or fitness goals
  • Join a gym

Stop Waiting!

It’s time to stop waiting on a miracle to happen. A lot of people think that if they exercise for long enough, they are going to wake up one day and they will start to live a magically healthy life. The journey is long, tedious, and difficult. It’s full of speed bumps and you are bound to make some wrong turns. However, the end of the journey is worth the reward. The trick is to get started and to push yourself to keep going.

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By Dave